Wording of Certificate

Wording of Certificate

Wording of Certificate





In order to ensure appropriateness of certificate registration the following wording on certificates must be used, typically as a footnote.


“This is an accredited certificate authorised for issue by Global Akkreditering Board (GAB) who have assessed XXXX against defined criteria and in cognisance of ISO 17021:2015 ‘Conformity Assessment – Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems.

Notes: (i) Conformity Assessment and Conformity Assessment Body are only terms defined within sections 2.1 and 2.4 of ISO 17000:2004 ‘Conformity Assessment – Vocabulary and general principles’.




Certificates should, as a minimum include the following information:


o   Client name

o   Client address

o   Scope of client activities

o   Assessment standard

o   Initial assessment date

o   Re-certification date

o   Date of certificate

o   Expiry date of certificate

o   Address of certificate awarding body

o   Caveats regarding limitations on validity (e.g. subject to satisfactory implementation and surveillance visits etc)

o   Logo of awarding body

o   Logo of accreditation body, if applicable

o   EA or standard industrial code for scope of client activities assessed, where deemed applicable




 The GAB logo, as displayed on this page below, may be shown on the certificate in a manner that is the least dominant mark on the certificate and in a style such that it will not cause any reasonable observer to infer or otherwise believe that the certificate is issued directly by GAB.


Validity Of Accreditations

Accreditations are generally valid for a period of three years, but must be monitored by GAB on a regular basis.